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Keno Game
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Keno Balls  

When reading the definition of “random” in the dictionary Keno should most certainly be placed within the confines of that definition!

This is truly a game which is based on no more than pure luck and as such has few strategies to go by; that being said there are a few strategies which can help you attain a larger payout if your numbers hit.

Keno payouts are finely balanced between how many numbers you choose compared to how many hits you have. If you choose to play only one number, and you have a hit on that number you earn a bigger return than if you choose to play 10 numbers and only have that one hit.

On the flip side, if you opt to play 8 numbers and get all 8 hits the payout is larger than if you played 6 numbers and got all 6 hits. The largest win, of course, is if you decide to play the maximum amount of numbers and they all hit. This is the least likely to occur, but it does happen…and when it does you have the biggest payout of all!

Perhaps the most important strategy in Keno is to find a great casino. One of the surest ways to find a casino that is best for you is to browse through our Casino Review section. We only provide references to casinos that have proven their excellence to our full satisfaction. Pick your numbers, let the draws come as they may, and have fun playing Keno!
Keno Game   The ease of Keno, combined with the simplicity of its rules, often makes this game sound a little dull; the reverse, however, is what proves true. This blend of bingo and the lottery provides plenty of excitement with its anticipation of the next drawn number, and the randomness of the game itself.

You will start off by determining how many numbers you would like to play; you chose any number from 1 to 10. The odds differ depending on how many you play, and this is discussed further in the Keno strategy guide you can view.

The most difficult part of Keno (other than the waiting to find how many “hits” you have) is deciding which numbers you would like to play. If you aren’t sure, or just want to play random numbers, you have the choice of having numbers chosen for you. When you want to choose your own numbers – anything goes. Close your eyes and draw from a hat, use the ages or birthdates of loved ones, or even count varied colors of cars that drive by. There’s no rule about which numbers you want to use as long as they are all under 80 (the highest number on the Keno board).

Now it’s time to place your bet and how many times you want to play; this varies from casino to casino.

Last but not least is the part that is either the most fun or the most nail-chewing: waiting for the numbers to be drawn and anxiously awaiting the “hits” you get. Obviously, the more hits you get, the better your payout is.

Now that you have read the rules, don’t forget to check out our handy tips and strategies sections which might help you increase your chances of winning it big!
Keno Casino's   Due to the chance nature of Keno, there are scant few tips and strategies which can be employed, and those are helpful more in increasing your payout if you win than in actually helping increase your odds of winning. There are a few tips which may work for you though, even as many “experts” in Keno agree to disagree about whether they do or do not work.

There are two schools of thought when it comes to picking which numbers to play in Keno. Some argue that you should pick numbers which have not come up very often in previous games, reasoning that sooner or later they WILL come up. Inversely, the second school debates that you should stick with the proven…that if certain numbers have come up more often than others, you should pick those as they will likely come up again. 

Almost everyone agrees that rather than choosing new numbers for each round of Keno, you should stick with the same numbers for a few bouts. This is one of the simplest and most common game plays with people who often play Keno. If nothing else, it does eliminate the hassle of trying to decide on new numbers all the time.

Because it is such an easy game to play, and doesn’t rely upon memorizing pages of rules and strategies, Keno is a perfect place for those new to online gambling to ease into online casinos. Simply pick your numbers then sit back and relax as the numbers are drawn. Have fun and good luck!
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